Meaning of 'nocci'

s. a medicinal tree, vitex negundu, or ceti; 2. a small village, ciyyur, 3. a garland; 4. a surrounding wall, a fortress, matil.

noccimalai, a garland of nocci flowers, as worn by soldiers who have successfully defended a fortress; 2. a poem.

Meaning of நொச்சி

s. a medicinal tree, vitex negundu, ஓர் செடி; 2. a small village, சிற்றூர், 3. a garland; 4. a surrounding wall, a fortress, மதில்.

நொச்சிமாலை, a garland of நொச்சி flowers, as worn by soldiers who have successfully defended a fortress; 2. a poem.

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