Meaning of 'nettiram'

s. eye, kan; 2. silk cloth, pattuvastiram.

nettiravayvu, -vayvu, inflammation of the eye, ophthalmia. avan enakku nettira stanamana van, -nettira stanamayiruk kiyan, he is as dear to me as my eye; he is dear as an eye to me.

Meaning of நேத்திரம்

s. eye, கண்; 2. silk cloth, பட்டுவஸ்திரம்.

நேத்திரவாய்வு, -வாய்வு, inflammation of the eye, ophthalmia. அவன் எனக்கு நேத்திர ஸ்தானமான வன், -நேத்திர ஸ்தானமாயிருக் கிறான், he is as dear to me as my eye; he is dear as an eye to me.

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