Meaning of 'nuzai'

VI. v. t. cause to enter, thrust in, insert, utceluttu.

nuzaittu vaikka, -ppota, to fix in a hole.

Meaning of நுழை

II. v. i. creep in, crawl in, go in with difficulty, enter, penetrate, புகு; 2. profess friendship for with byends, வஞ்சகமாய்ச்சார்.

நூல் நுழைய இல்லை, the thread goes not in.
நுழைநரி, a fox that burrows in the ground.
நுழைந்து கொடுக்க, to yield.
நுழைந்துபோக, to creep in; 2. to force through a crowd, to crawl through.
நுழையப்பண்ண, to insert.
நுழைவாசல், a low or small gate.

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