Meaning of 'nutpam'

s. (nun) minuteness, smallness, nunmai; 2. minute particles, coypam; 3. subtle idea, yukam; 4. accuracy, tittam; 5. being easy of acquisition. that which is facile, elitu.

nutpangkatta, to explain the minute points of a science.
nutpaputti, acute understanding.
nutpavurai, a critical commentary.
nutpavelai, fine, delicate work.
veta nutpam, a name of the Upanishads.

Meaning of நுட்பம்

s. (நுண்) minuteness, smallness, நுண்மை; 2. minute particles, சொற்பம்; 3. subtle idea, யூகம்; 4. accuracy, திட்டம்; 5. being easy of acquisition. that which is facile, எளிது.

நுட்பங்காட்ட, to explain the minute points of a science.
நுட்பபுத்தி, acute understanding.
நுட்பவுரை, a critical commentary.
நுட்பவேலை, fine, delicate work.
வேத நுட்பம், a name of the Upanishads.

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