Meaning of 'nuyu'

s. one hundred, a century, catam.

nuyyukkuc cervaikkaran, a centurion.
nuyyukkum panikkuccolla, to censure a hundred things in a work.

Meaning of நீறு

s. (oblique நீற்றின்) slaked lime, சுண்ணம்; 2. ashes, சாம்பல்; 3. powder, dust, புழுதி; 4. sacred ashes made of cow-dung, திருநீறு.

நீறணிந்தோன், Siva as wearing ashes.
நீறாக்கிப்போட, to calcine, to burn to ashes.
நீறாட, to reduce to ashes, to bring to ruin; 2. to besmear oneself with ashes.
நீறுதரிக்கும் புதன்கிழமை, Ash Wednesday.
நீறுபட, to be reduced to ashes.
நீறுபூக்க, to be slaked as lime.
நீறுபூச, to rub sacred ashes.
திருநீறு, நீறு 4.
பூநீறு, earth impregnated with soda, fuller's earth.

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