Meaning of 'niyai'

VI. v. t. fill, niyaiyaccey; 2. supply abundantly, satisfy, mikuti ni ni , pron. thou, you (gen. un, unatu, unnutaiya; dat. unakku; acc. unnai etc; with respective poetical forms yakku; 3. diffuse, cause to pervade, suffuse; 4. stuff, cram, tini.

Meaning of நிறை

VI. v. t. fill, நிறையச்செய்; 2. supply abundantly, satisfy, மிகுதி நீ நீ , pron. thou, you (gen. உன், உனது, உன்னுடைய; dat. உனக்கு; acc. உன்னை etc; with respective poetical forms யாக்கு; 3. diffuse, cause to pervade, suffuse; 4. stuff, cram, திணி.

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