Meaning of 'nil'

nillu V. v. i. (ninyen, niypen) stand; 2. stay tangku; 3. be durable, last, persist in a course of conduct, persevere, nilainil; 4. be retained or held, atangku; 5. cease, be discontinued, stopped, suspended, ozi.

ninyatuniykap puyappattar, he set out abruptly.
teyvam ninyukollum, God is slow in punishing men.
atuniyka, let it alone, leaving that aside, (an expression used in reverting to another point).
nilla, nillata, not durable.
nillamal, (niykamal) poka, to go without delay; to come to an end.
nillamai; inconstancy, mutableness.
niyyal, v. n. a standing, nilai; standing.
ninyu, adv. part. standing; 2. after the local ablative il it expresses from, iruntu, (as in ayyil ninyeya, to come up from or out of the river).
ninyuninyu natakka, to make frequent stops in walking.
ninyupoka, to cease, to stop, (as pain, salary etc.).

Meaning of நில்

நில்லு V. v. i. (நின்றேன், நிற்பேன்) stand; 2. stay தங்கு; 3. be durable, last, persist in a course of conduct, persevere, நிலைநில்; 4. be retained or held, அடங்கு; 5. cease, be discontinued, stopped, suspended, ஒழி.

நின்றதுநிற்கப் புறப்பட்டார், he set out abruptly.
தெய்வம் நின்றுகொல்லும், God is slow in punishing men.
அதுநிற்க, let it alone, leaving that aside, (an expression used in reverting to another point).
நில்லா, நில்லாத, not durable.
நில்லாமல், (நிற்காமல்) போக, to go without delay; to come to an end.
நில்லாமை; inconstancy, mutableness.
நிற்றல், v. n. a standing, நிலை; standing.
நின்று, adv. part. standing; 2. after the local ablative இல் it expresses from, இருந்து, (as in ஆற்றில் நின்றேற, to come up from or out of the river).
நின்றுநின்று நடக்க, to make frequent stops in walking.
நின்றுபோக, to cease, to stop, (as pain, salary etc.).

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