Meaning of 'nikkirakam'

s. destruction, nacam; 2. discipline, punishment, tantanai; 3. confutation in argument, tolvi.

tustanikkirakam, destruction of the wicked.
intiriya nikkirakam panna, to restrain oneself, to subdue the senses.
nikkirakastan, the deity as destroyer.
nikkirakanukkirakam, justice and mercy, as attibutes of a good king, tan tanaiyumirakkamum; 2. distribution of rewards and punishments, as by the deity, in reference to former actions.

Meaning of நிக்கிரகம்

s. destruction, நாசம்; 2. discipline, punishment, தண்டனை; 3. confutation in argument, தோல்வி.

துஷ்டநிக்கிரகம், destruction of the wicked.
இந்திரிய நிக்கிரகம் பண்ண, to restrain oneself, to subdue the senses.
நிக்கிரகஸ்தன், the deity as destroyer.
நிக்கிரகானுக்கிரகம், justice and mercy, as attibutes of a good king, தண் டனையுமிரக்கமும்; 2. distribution of rewards and punishments, as by the deity, in reference to former actions.

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