Meaning of 'nikaz'

nikazu, II. v. i. take place, go, go on, go on foot, nata; 2. be performed, exist, niyaiveyu; 3. pass as time, cel.

nikazkalam, present time; 2. present time.
nikazcci, nikazvu, v. n. going passing, occurrence; 2. the present moment.

Meaning of நிகழ்

நிகழு, II. v. i. take place, go, go on, go on foot, நட; 2. be performed, exist, நிறைவேறு; 3. pass as time, செல்.

நிகழ்காலம், present time; 2. present time.
நிகழ்ச்சி, நிகழ்வு, v. n. going passing, occurrence; 2. the present moment.

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