Meaning of 'nottam'

s. scrutiny, examination of coins, gems etc. for valuation, parit cai; 2. attempt to excel, hinder or baffle another in speech; 3. survey, criticism, as by a rival workman or artist, kanippu.

atan nottam ayiyan, he does not know its value.
nottakkaran, one expert in inspecting coins, a shroff.
nottam parkka, to examine coins, gems etc., to be rigid in dealings, to survey.
nottam peca, to try to baffle another in speech.

Meaning of நட்டம்

s. erectness, uprightness, நிறு திட்டம்; 2. nakedness with only the foreflap, அம்மணம்; 3. dance, dancing.

நட்டமே நிறுத்த, to set up perpendicularly.
நட்டமே வர, to come naked.

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