Meaning of 'natcattiram'

naksattiram, s. a star, tarakai; 2. asterism, lunar constellation, vinmin.

natcattira cakkaram, the lunar asterisms collectively; 2. diagram for astrological calculation.
natcattira patavi, the starry sky, as naksattira mantalam; 2. the visible heavens, as a place of bliss for those having a certain degree of religious merit or virtue.
natcattira mantalam, the starry sky.
natcattiramalai, the galaxy or milky way, pal viti mantalam; 2. a treatise on lunar constellations; 3. a table of the asterisms in the moon's path, the lunar zodiac.
natcattiravanam, a kind of rocket.
natcattiraviti, the moon's path in the zodiac.

Meaning of நட்சத்திரம்

நக்ஷத்திரம், s. a star, தாரகை; 2. asterism, lunar constellation, விண்மீன்.

நட்சத்திர சக்கரம், the lunar asterisms collectively; 2. diagram for astrological calculation.
நட்சத்திர பதவி, the starry sky, as நக்ஷத்திர மண்டலம்; 2. the visible heavens, as a place of bliss for those having a certain degree of religious merit or virtue.
நட்சத்திர மண்டலம், the starry sky.
நட்சத்திரமாலை, the galaxy or milky way, பால் வீதி மண்டலம்; 2. a treatise on lunar constellations; 3. a table of the asterisms in the moon's path, the lunar zodiac.
நட்சத்திரவாணம், a kind of rocket.
நட்சத்திரவீதி, the moon's path in the zodiac.

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