Meaning of 'nakarttu'

III. v. t. (caus. of nakar) push with difficulty, shove along, propel a little, tallu; 2. pilfer, nimintu.

cuvaraiyitittu nakartta, to pull down wall and remove it.
nakartta ilakkup parkkiyan, he watches an opportunity what move he can make.
avanai nakarttip pottay, you gave him a good drubbing.

Meaning of நகர்த்து

III. v. t. (caus. of நகர்) push with difficulty, shove along, propel a little, தள்ளு; 2. pilfer, நிமிண்டு.

சுவரையிடித்து நகர்த்த, to pull down wall and remove it.
நகர்த்த இலக்குப் பார்க்கிறான், he watches an opportunity what move he can make.
அவனை நகர்த்திப் போட்டாய், you gave him a good drubbing.

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