Meaning of 'tuyai'

s. a harbour, a sea-port; 2. a ford in a river, a ferry, the place to go down into the tank, a ghaut; 3. way, path, vazi; 4. a frequented place, a rendezvous; 5. a branch of science; 6. any theme in love poetry, 7. a resource, a resort, a place of refuge, otungkumitam.

tuyaiyilirukkiya kappal, a ship in the roadstead.
tuyaikatta, to show a method.
tuyaikana, to find a haven or harbour; 2. to find a way or means to do a thing.
tuyaikarar, agents, accountants and other servants of a temple.
tuyaittoni, a ferry boat.
tuyai niyayam, laws of love poetry.
tuyaipitikka, to touch at a port; to gain the haven.
tuyaipo, to leave a port.
tuyaipoka, to acquire a thorough knowledge of a science.
tuyaippeccu, vernacular or vulgar language.
tuyaimaya, to mistake the proper course.
tuyaimukam, a roadstead, the entrance to a port.
tuyaivallor, the learned.

Meaning of துறை

s. a harbour, a sea-port; 2. a ford in a river, a ferry, the place to go down into the tank, a ghaut; 3. way, path, வழி; 4. a frequented place, a rendezvous; 5. a branch of science; 6. any theme in love poetry, 7. a resource, a resort, a place of refuge, ஒதுங்குமிடம்.

துறையிலிருக்கிற கப்பல், a ship in the roadstead.
துறைகாட்ட, to show a method.
துறைகாண, to find a haven or harbour; 2. to find a way or means to do a thing.
துறைகாரர், agents, accountants and other servants of a temple.
துறைத்தோணி, a ferry boat.
துறை நியாயம், laws of love poetry.
துறைபிடிக்க, to touch at a port; to gain the haven.
துறைபோ, to leave a port.
துறைபோக, to acquire a thorough knowledge of a science.
துறைப்பேச்சு, vernacular or vulgar language.
துறைமாற, to mistake the proper course.
துறைமுகம், a roadstead, the entrance to a port.
துறைவல்லோர், the learned.

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