Meaning of 'tuvitam'

s. duality, irantu; 2. a sect teaching that the deity is distinct from the soul (opp. to attuvitam which teaches that God and the soul are one.)

tuvitakentiram, tuvitiyakentiram, twice equated argument of anomaly.
tuvitiyaputam, (astron.) twice equated longitude.

Meaning of துவிதம்

s. duality, இரண்டு; 2. a sect teaching that the deity is distinct from the soul (opp. to அத்துவிதம் which teaches that God and the soul are one.)

துவிதகேந்திரம், துவிதீயகேந்திரம், twice equated argument of anomaly.
துவிதீயபுடம், (astron.) twice equated longitude.

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