Meaning of 'tuyil'

s. sleep, nittirai; 2. (prop. tukil) cloth.

tuyilunara, to awake, to arouse from sleep.
tuyiletai, v. n. rousing one from sleep.
tuyiletainilai, a poem sung to rouse a great person from sleep.
tuyilkura, to sleep.

Meaning of துயில்

s. sleep, நித்திரை; 2. (prop. துகில்) cloth.

துயிலுணர, to awake, to arouse from sleep.
துயிலெடை, v. n. rousing one from sleep.
துயிலெடைநிலை, a poem sung to rouse a great person from sleep.
துயில்கூர, to sleep.

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