Meaning of 'cirattu'

III. v. t. caress, fondle; 2. praise, applaud, kontatu; 3. treat well, entertain with great attention.

cirattu, v. n. caressing, fondling; 2. civilities, great attention.
cirattivalarkka, to bring up delicately.
cirattillatavan, one not delicately brought up.

Meaning of சீராட்டு

III. v. t. caress, fondle; 2. praise, applaud, கொண்டாடு; 3. treat well, entertain with great attention.

சீராட்டு, v. n. caressing, fondling; 2. civilities, great attention.
சீராட்டிவளர்க்க, to bring up delicately.
சீராட்டில்லாதவன், one not delicately brought up.

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