Meaning of 'cirettam'

cirestam, s. excellence, pre-eminence, cirestam; 2. seniority, mutanmai.

cirestaputtiran, the first born son.
cirestar, eminent persons, elders; 2. a bishop.
cirettatevi, Goddess of misfortune, as the elder sister of Lakshmi.

Meaning of சிரேட்டம்

சிரேஷ்டம், s. excellence, pre-eminence, சிரேஷ்டம்; 2. seniority, முதன்மை.

சிரேஷ்டபுத்திரன், the first born son.
சிரேஷ்டர், eminent persons, elders; 2. a bishop.
சிரேட்டாதேவி, Goddess of misfortune, as the elder sister of Lakshmi.

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