Meaning of 'cirangku'

s. scab, an eruption; 2. itch, coyi.

cirangkarikka, to itch.
cirangkum coyiyumayirukka, to be full of itch, to be scabby.
anaic cirangku, a kind of itch with large blotches.
coyi cirangku, a small kind of itch causing constant scratching.
namuttuc cirangku, itch like prickly heat.

Meaning of சிரங்கு

s. scab, an eruption; 2. itch, சொறி.

சிரங்கரிக்க, to itch.
சிரங்கும் சொறியுமாயிருக்க, to be full of itch, to be scabby.
ஆனைச் சிரங்கு, a kind of itch with large blotches.
சொறி சிரங்கு, a small kind of itch causing constant scratching.
நமுட்டுச் சிரங்கு, itch like prickly heat.

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