Meaning of 'kutal'

s. the town of Madura; 2. a thick grove, colai; 3. junction, anything joined, canti; 4. the mouth of a river, natiyin cangkamukam; 5. v. n. of kutu.

kutalvay, the internal angle formed by the meeting of the two inclined sides of a roof, valley.
kutaypayyai, a thicket.

Meaning of கூடல்

s. the town of Madura; 2. a thick grove, சோலை; 3. junction, anything joined, சந்தி; 4. the mouth of a river, நதியின் சங்கமுகம்; 5. v. n. of கூடு.

கூடல்வாய், the internal angle formed by the meeting of the two inclined sides of a roof, valley.
கூடற்பற்றை, a thicket.

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