Meaning of 'kuttu'

III. v. t. cuff on the head, talaiyil kuttu; 2. cheat, outwit, ettu.

kuttal, v. n. the act of cuffing.
kuttikkolla, to strike the temples with the first as a ceremony in worshipping a deity.
kuttu, v.n. a buffet, cuff, a blow with the first on the head.
kuttuni, an intractable, shameless person cuffed about by every one; 2. a shameless fellow.
kuttunna, to be buffeted, cuffed.

Meaning of குட்டு

III. v. t. cuff on the head, தலையில் குட்டு; 2. cheat, outwit, எத்து.

குட்டல், v. n. the act of cuffing.
குட்டிக்கொள்ள, to strike the temples with the first as a ceremony in worshipping a deity.
குட்டு, v.n. a buffet, cuff, a blow with the first on the head.
குட்டுணி, an intractable, shameless person cuffed about by every one; 2. a shameless fellow.
குட்டுண்ண, to be buffeted, cuffed.

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