Meaning of 'kutam'

s. a water-pot, pitcher, kumpam; 2. aquarius of the Zodiac, kumparaci; 3. anything round, tiratci; 4. a town, nakaram; 5. jaggery, vellam.

kutangkai, the palm of the hand; 2. a pose in dancing.
kutaccippi, a round shell or conch.
kutamallikai, a kind of jasmine.
kutamilakay, bell-pepper, capsicum grossum.
kutamurutti, a branch of the Cauvery.
kuyaikutam, a partly filled vessel; 2. a man with imperfect knowledge.
niyaikutam, a full vessel; 2. a person of very good parts, a capable head.
veyungkutam, an empty pot; 2. a stupid person.
kutatevar, kutamuni, Agastya, as born of a water-pot.

Meaning of குடம்

s. a cow, பசு; 2. a kind of dance.

குடவன், (fem. குடத்தி) a man of the tribe of cow-herds.
குடவுண்ணி, cow-tick.

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