Meaning of 'yali'

s. the lion, cingkam; 2. a fabulous animal like a lion with an elephant's proboscis; 3. Leo of the Zodiac, cimma raci; 4. a small vessel for casting water to wet the sail of a dhoney or for lading outbilgewater, iyai pattai.

yali yurti, Durga as lion-borne.

Meaning of யாளி

s. the lion, சிங்கம்; 2. a fabulous animal like a lion with an elephant's proboscis; 3. Leo of the Zodiac, சிம்ம ராசி; 4. a small vessel for casting water to wet the sail of a dhoney or for lading outbilgewater, இறை பட்டை.

யாளி யூர்தி, Durga as lion-borne.

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