Meaning of 'macangku'

III. v. i. become confused, mayangku; 2. be crumpled, grow soft by use, kacangku.

kacangki macangkippoka, to become confused or crumpled.
malai macangkina neram, the evening twilight.
macangkal, v. n. time of twilight.

Meaning of மசங்கு

III. v. i. become confused, மயங்கு; 2. be crumpled, grow soft by use, கசங்கு.

கசங்கி மசங்கிப்போக, to become confused or crumpled.
மாலை மசங்கின நேரம், the evening twilight.
மசங்கல், v. n. time of twilight.

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